Friday, October 19, 2012


March 17, 2000
SUBJECT               :               Updated Handbook on Audit Procedures and Techniques Volume I (Revision —Year 2000)
TO          :               All Internal Revenue Officers and Others Concerned
I.             OBJECTIVE
This Order prescribes the use of the Updated Handbook on Audit Procedures and Techniques (Volume I) in the audit of tax returns. The Handbook is intended to provide revenue officers with minimum standard procedures and a uniform guideline for the proper examination and/or investigation of tax liabilities. This updated version was prepared in order to conform with the provisions of the Tax Reform Act of 1997".
II.            QUALITY AUDIT
The purpose of auditing a tax return is to determine the taxpayer's substantially correct tax liability. A quality audit is the examination of the taxpayer's books and records in sufficient depth for the purpose of ascertaining the correctness and validity of entries and the propriety of application of tax laws. To ensure quality audit of tax returns, revenue officers are enjoined to utilize their technical skill, training and experience, and follow the minimum audit procedures prescribed in the Handbook under Annex "A" hereof.   
Revenue Officers are required to make a report after the audit has been conducted. All reports should contain the minimum documentary requirements specified under Chapter XVII of the Handbook.
This Order supersedes Revenue Audit Memorandum Order No. 2-95, all revenue issuances and portions thereof inconsistent herewith.
V.            EFFECTIVITY
All revenue officers and other employees concerned are hereby directed to refer to the aforesaid Handbook in the audit/investigation of tax returns immediately after the approval of this Order.    CTSHDI
Commissioner of Internal Revenue
(Revision - Year 2000)
The enactment of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 and its implementation effective January 1, 1998 marked significant changes in Philippine taxation and the BIR's tax administration policies. Hence, it is necessary to revise and update the existing revenue issuances and assessment manuals in accordance with the new provisions of the Tax Code.
In order to utilize audit as an effective tool in the enhancement of voluntary compliance, the first volume of the Handbook on Audit Procedures and Techniques has been revised and updated to conform with the new Tax Code. This volume discusses general procedures and techniques designed to assist the Revenue Officer in the investigation of tax liabilities of taxpayers. The audit procedures and techniques for the investigation of Value-Added Tax liabilities are prescribed in a separate manual.   
The updating of this Handbook on Audit Procedures and Techniques — Volume I was completed under the leadership of Commissioner Dakila B. Fonacier and Deputy Commissioners Romeo S. Panganiban, Estelita C. Aguirre, Sixto S. Esquivias IV and Lilia C. Guillermo.
This Handbook is a project of the Assessment Service with the Assessment Programs Division as the lead division which spearheaded the project. Acknowledgment is also extended to Atty. Arnulfo B. Romero, Mr. Rodolfo Mendoza and Mr. Manny B. Jimenez for their comments and invaluable contribution to the project.
                Nars P. Tamayo Acting Assistant Commissioner
                Elvira R. Vera      Acting Head Revenue Executive Assistant
                Leticia C. Batausa             Officer-In-Charge
                Ione S. Alejo      Section Chief
                Elenita V. Balonzo            Section Chief
                Cristina T. Billones            Section Chief
                Urania C. Salvacion          Section Chief
                Gladys M. Aquino            Revenue Officer III
                Dessie V. Garcia                Revenue Officer II
                Elmira C. Viray   Revenue Officer I
                Gean M. Dienzo               Computer Operator I
                Cristina V. Pangan            Computer Operator I
Table of Contents
I.             Introduction
Revenue Tax Administration
Contents of the Handbook
II.            Accounting Methods
Cash Basis
Accrual Basis
Completion of Contract Basis
Percentage of Completion Basis
Installment Basis
Crop Year Basis
III.           Bookkeeping Systems
Single Entry System
Double Entry System
IV.          Accounting Records
Subsidiary Book
Computerized Accounting System
V.            Accounting Period
Calendar Year
Fiscal Year
VI.          Financial Statements
Income Statement
Balance Sheet
VII.         Purpose and Standards of Audit
General Standards
Standards of Preliminary Planning
Standards of Field Work
Standards of Public Relations
VIII.        Preliminary Approach to Examination
Pre-audit Analysis of Tax Returns
Work Planning
Contact with Taxpayer
Preliminary Evaluation of Miscellaneous Records
Initial Examination Techniques
Evaluation of Internal Control
Sampling Techniques
IX.           Balance Sheet Approach to Examination
Cash on Hand and in Bank
Notes and Accounts Receivable
Allowance for Bad Debts
Advances to Stockholders/Officers
Depreciable Assets
Allowances for Depreciation, Amortization and Other Valuations
Intangible Assets
Prepaid Expenses and Deferred Charges
Other Assets
Exchange, Clearing or Suspense Accounts
Current and Accrued Liabilities including Notes Payable
Fixed Liabilities
Deferred Credits
Loans From Shareholders/Officers/Owners
Capital Accounts
Capital or Owner's Equity
Partners' Capital
Stockholders' Equity
Capital Stock
Retained Earnings
X.            Audit of Income and Expenses
Audit of Income Accounts
Rent Income
Professional Fees
Income From Sale of Asset
Other Income
Audit of Expense Accounts
Cost of Goods Sold
Salaries, Wages and Other Employees' Benefits
Fringe Benefits
Bad Debts
Abandonment and Demolition
Net Operating Loss Carry Over
Transportation and Travel, Representation and Entertainment
Stationery and Office Supplies
Professional Fees
Insurance Fees
Light and Power, Telephone and Telegraph
Miscellaneous Expenses
XI.           Audit of Minimum Corporate Income Tax and Improper Accumulation of Earnings Tax
XII.         Auditing Computer-Produced Records
Impact of Computer Records on Audit
Accounting Software Systems
Audit Techniques for Computer-Produced Records
XIII.        Indirect Approach
Percentage Method
Net Worth Method
Bank Deposit Method
Cash Expenditure Method
Unit and Value Method
Third Party Information (Access to Records) Method
XIV.        Audit Procedures on Other Kinds of Taxes
Withholding Taxes
Capital Gains Tax
Estate Tax
Donor's Tax
XV.         General Policies in the Investigation of Tax Fraud Cases
Civil Fraud
XVI.        Closing Conference
XVII.      Report Making
Document Locator Form
Table of Contents
Narrative Report
Duly Accomplished Revenue Officer's Audit Report
Working Papers
Attachments to the Docket of the Case
Revenue Memorandum Order No. 15-95
General Policies in the Investigation of Tax Fraud Cases
Revenue Memorandum Order No. 53-98
Checklist of Documents to be Submitted by a Taxpayer upon Audit of his Tax Liabilities as well as of the Mandatory Reporting Requirements to be Prepared by a Revenue Officer, all of which comprise a complete Tax Docket
I.             INTRODUCTION
A             Revenue Tax Administration
The function of the Bureau of Internal Revenue is to administer the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code. It is the duty of the Bureau to implement the Tax Code and related laws enacted by Congress in a fair and impartial manner.
The mission of the Bureau is to enforce internal revenue laws with impartiality, consistency, collect the correct amount of taxes at the least cost to the government and least inconvenience to the taxpayer and serve the public honestly and efficiently in a manner that will elicit the highest level of confidence in the Bureau of Internal Revenue.
Investigation supports the mission of the Bureau by enhancing a high degree of compliance and encouraging the correct reporting of income, transfer, business and other taxes. This is accomplished by:
1.            Measuring the degree of voluntary compliance as reflected on filed returns;
2.            Reducing non-compliance by identifying returns and taxpayers that need to be investigated; and
3.            Conducting quality audit of selected tax returns on a timely basis.
The purpose of auditing a tax return is to determine the taxpayer's correct tax liability. A quality audit is the examination of a taxpayer's books and records in sufficient depth so as to ascertain the correctness and validity of entries thereon and- the propriety of application of tax laws.   
B.            Purpose
The updated Handbook on Audit Procedures and Techniques has been prepared to equip all Revenue Officers who conduct field examinations with-the necessary knowledge for the proper examination of tax returns and provide them with confidence in carrying out the investigation. This Handbook is designed to ensure that the Revenue Officer acquires useful auditing skills, progresses from simple audit techniques to more sophisticated procedures, and advances in examination procedures from a single proprietorship to a large corporation and from a simple bookkeeping system to a highly computerized one.
The Revenue Officer's job is to familiarize himself with the business activity and/or undertaking of the taxpayers assigned to him for audit, to evaluate the various methods and procedures the taxpayers apply, to be imaginative, observant and inquisitive in his examination, and above all, to use common sense.
C.            Contents of the Handbook
The handbook contains guides, instructions and suggestions in the conduct of audit for various taxpayers. The discussions begin with the analysis of tax returns and financial statements, familiarization with accounting methods, bookkeeping systems, books of accounts and other related records. The audit procedures for balance sheet and income statement accounts are laid out together with investigation techniques for each type of tax. This does not preclude, however, the Revenue Officer from carrying out other audit techniques which are deemed necessary in the circumstances surrounding a particular case.
The Handbook is neither intended to provide a source of tax law or procedural doctrine nor a substitute reference material of revenue issuances. Each Revenue Officer is presumed to have a working knowledge of the Tax Code, the latest amendments thereon, and an update of existing revenue regulations, revenue rulings, revenue memorandum orders and other issuances.
The other contents of the handbook include documentary requirements in the investigation process and proper report making.
II.            Accounting Methods
The taxable income of a taxpayer shall be computed in accordance with the method of accounting he regularly employs in keeping his books. However, if the taxpayer does not regularly employ a method of accounting which reasonably shows his correct income, the computation of income shall be made in such manner as in the opinion of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue or his -duly authorized representative that clearly reflects such income.
The methods of accounting recognized under the Tax Code are:
A.            Cash Basis is a method of accounting whereby all items of gross income received during the year shall be accounted for such taxable year and that only expenses actually paid for shall be claimed as deductions during the year. This method of accounting is generally used by taxpayers who do not keep regular books of accounts. Under this method, income is realized upon receipt of cash or its equivalent including those constructively received (such as deposits for the taxpayer's account by customers) but not including gifts or donations. Users of cash basis accounting are mostly individuals engaged in business and practice of profession, professional partnerships and professional service organizations.
B.            Accrual Basis is a method of accounting for income in the period it is earned regardless of whether it has been received or not. In the same manner, expenses are accounted for in the period they are incurred and not in the period they are paid. Under this method, net income is being measured by the excess of income earned during the period over the expenses incurred. Expenses not being claimed as deductions by taxpayers in the current year when they are incurred cannot be claimed as deduction from income for the succeeding year. Thus, a taxpayer who is authorized to deduct certain expenses and other allowable deductions for the current year but failed to do so cannot deduct the same for the next year. The accrual basis of accounting is being used by taxpayers whose nature of business uses inventories since this method of accounting will correctly reflect income by matching purchases and expenses against sales. This method is being applied by most medium and large corporations.    
C.            Completion of Contract Basis is an accounting method applicable to contractors in the construction of building, installation of equipment and other fixed assets, or other construction work covering a period in excess of one year.
Under this method, gross income is to be reported in the taxable year in which the contract is fully completed and accepted by the contractee if the taxpayer elected it as a consistent practice to treat such income, provided that such method clearly reflects the net income. Under this method, all expenditures, are deducted from gross income during the life of the contract which are properly allocated thereto, taking into consideration any materials and supplies charged to the work under the contract but remaining on hand at the time of the completion.
However, pursuant to Republic Act No. 8424 which took effect on January 1, 1998, contractors are no longer allowed to adopt this method of reporting their income derived in whole or in part from long-term contracts.
D.            Percentage of Completion Basis is a method applicable in the case of a building, installation or construction contract covering a period in excess of one year whereby gross income derived from such contract may be reported upon the basis of percentage of completion. In determining the percentage of completion of a contract, generally one of the following methods is used:
1.            The costs incurred under the contract as of the end of the tax year are compared with the estimated total contract costs; or
2.            The work performed on the contract as of the end of the tax year is compared with the estimated work to be performed.
In such case, the return should be accompanied by a certificate of the architect or engineer showing the percentage of completion during the taxable year of the entire work performed under contract. There should be deducted from such gross income all expenditures made during the taxable year on account of the contract, account being taken of the materials and supplies on hand at the beginning and end of the taxable period for use in connection with the work under the contract but not yet so applied.
Beginning January 1, 1998 income from log-term contracts are required to be reported using this method only.
E.            Installment Basis is a method considered appropriate when collections extend over relatively long periods of time and there is a strong possibility that full collection will not be made. As customers make installment payments, the seller recognizes the gross profit on sale in proportion to the cash collected.
F.            Crop Year Basis is a method applicable only to farmers engaged in the production of crops which take more than a year from the time of planting to the process of gathering and disposal. Expenses paid or incurred are deductible in the year the gross income from the sale of the crops are realized.
In relation to the foregoing accounting methods, the Tax Code provides for a tax credit system in computing the tax payable by certain taxpayers. While the tax credit system is not an accounting system, it is discussed here for the proper understanding of the computation of taxes due from taxpayers.
The tax credit system is a method used to account for the creditable taxes deducted by the withholding agents from the income payments to certain payees (as in the case of withholding tax at source pursuant to Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 6-85, as amended by RR 2-98, or the creditable tax added to the sales price (as in the case of value-added tax). The creditable taxes should be clearly identified in the books of the taxpayer, such as:
1.            Creditable income tax (asset)
2.            VAT input tax (asset)
3.            Withholding tax payable-Compensation (liability)
4.            Withholding tax payable-Expanded Withholding Tax (EWT) (liability)
5.            VAT output tax (liability)   
III.           Bookkeeping Systems
Bookkeeping may be classified into two systems, namely, (1) the single entry and (2) the double entry.
A.            Single Entry System of bookkeeping is basically a type of "net worth" method of arriving at net income. It records only the debit or credit of each transaction, or an account with the debtor or creditor and a simple record of cash receipts and disbursements.
Whenever a system of record keeping does not include equal debit and credit to asset, liability, proprietorship, income and expense accounts, it is referred to AA a "single entry system". The single entry is often used by comparatively simple ventures such as small retail or commission merchants, professional firms, estates and trusts. In many cases, the only record of income and deductions consists of entries on the stubs of their checkbooks. Some taxpayers maintain an income tax folder in which they place documents to support their income tax deductions.
A single entry system may be merely a chronological record of transactions posted in a notebook or journal.
Sometimes, the records consist of a complete set of journals (cash, sales, purchases and general journal) and general ledger providing important accounts.
The accounting cycle starts with source documents (invoices, bills, paid checks, loan documents, bank deposit slips, and bank statements) proceeding to the cash receipts and cash disbursements journal, working paper summary and ending with the tax return.
Reconciliation of the taxpayer's books, working paper summary and records to the return is a very important audit step. In this way, the Revenue Officer will become familiar with the taxpayer's accounting system, policies and control procedures. If the records available are organized, this will lend more credibility to the tax return, but if they are inadequate, then the Revenue Officer should closely scrutinize the information on the income tax return. Therefore, when encountered with the lack of formal books and records, the Revenue Officer must use source documents and other available documents to establish the taxpayer's financial position which shall be compared with the taxpayer's standard of living and business activity for validation.   
The following formulae for reconstruction of income and expenses may be found useful:
1.            Computation of Sales
Cash Sales (cash book)  xx
Add: Sales on account:
                Collections from customers (cash book)                xx
                Less: Accounts receivable (beginning balance)   xx
                Collections from sales for the period       xx
                Add: Accounts receivable (ending balance)          xx           xx
2.            Computation of Purchases
Cash purchases (cash book)        xx
Add: Purchases on account:
                Payments to creditors (cash book)           xx
                Less: Accounts payable (beginning balance)        xx
                Payments for purchases for the period  xx
                Add: Accounts payable (ending balance)               xx           xx
3.            Computation of Expenses
Cash payments for allowable expenses (cash book)        xx
Add: Prepaid expenses (beginning balance)        xx
                Accrued expenses (ending balance)        xx           xx
Total      xx
Less: Prepaid expenses (ending balance)              xx
                Accrued expenses (beginning balance)  xx           xx
TOTAL EXPENSES              xx
B.            Double Entry System — Under this system of bookkeeping, accounting recognizes the two-fold effect of every recorded event, the debit and the credit or the object of the event and the equitable interest in that object. Every recorded event affecting one side must necessarily affect the other side. This can be presented in an equation:
Assets = Liabilities + Capital
This can be analyzed into its component elements which show that there are two distinct parties that have right in the assets of the business, the creditors and the owners. The rights of the creditors are the claims of such creditors on the assets of the business which are referred to as liabilities and the rights of the owners on the business are referred to as capital.
In the double entry method, any net increase and net decrease in asset has a corresponding increase and decrease in either liabilities or capital.
Audit of accounting records under this system shall be detailed as presented in the discussions of audit of real and nominal accounts.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


July 18, 2000


SUBJECT         :           Prescribing the Posting of Notice for the Issuance of Sales/Commercial Invoice and/or Official Receipt by Persons Required by Law to Issue Sales/Commercial Invoices and/or Official Receipts and Providing the Penalties for Non-Compliance Thereof
TO                    :           All Internal Revenue Officers and Others Concerned

SECTION 1.      Scope. — Pursuant to the provisions of Section 244, in relation to Sections 237, 238, 264 and 275 of the Tax Code of 1997, these Regulations are hereby promulgated to prescribe the posting of a notice on the requirement for the issuance of sales/commercial invoice and/or official receipts by persons engaged in trade or business, including the exercise of profession, who are required by law or regulations to issue sales/commercial invoice and/or official receipts, define violations thereof and provide the penalties for non-compliance therewith.  
SECTION 2.      Policy. — These Regulations are intended to improve revenue collection through the enforcement of the legal provision on the issuance of sales/commercial invoice and/or official receipt by persons required by law or regulations to issue sales/commercial invoices and/or official receipts and to inculcate upon the minds of the taxpaying public that the issuance of sales invoice/official receipt is mandated by law such that every seller is obligated to issue sales/commercial invoice and/or official receipt on sales transactions with or without demand from the buyer of goods and services.
SECTION 3.      Exhibition of Notice at Place of Business. — Persons required to issue sales/commercial invoices and official receipts under existing rules shall cause to be posted in their places of business, including branches and mobile stores, in such area conspicuous to the public, a notice containing and showing in bold letters the following:
(Issuance of sales/commercial invoice and/or official receipt is not required for every sale valued at P25 or below by a Non-VAT taxpayer)
Commissioner of Internal Revenue
At no time shall the above notice be detached, removed or covered from public view. For uniformity, the size specification of the notice shall be twelve (12) inches in width and eight (8) inches in length,
SECTION 4.      Violations and Penalties. — The following acts or omissions shall constitute violation of these Regulations:
a)         Failure and neglect to post the notice required herein; and/or   
b)         Deliberate removal of the notice.
Any person who commits any of the above acts or omissions shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than One Thousand Pesos (P1,000) or suffer imprisonment of not more than six (6) months, or both, pursuant to the provisions of Section 275 of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) of 1997.
SECTION 5.      General Provisions. — In case of corporations, partnerships or associations, the penalty shall be imposed on the president, partner, general manager, branch manager, officer-in-charge and/or employees responsible for the violation.
SECTION 6.      Repealing Clause. — All rules and regulations and other revenue issuances or parts thereof inconsistent with the provisions of these regulations are hereby amended accordingly.
SECTION 7.      Effectivity. — These Regulations shall take effect after fifteen (15) days from publication in any newspaper of general circulation.

   Secretary of Finance
Recommending Approval:

           Commissioner of Internal Revenue


April 14, 1980                                                                                        January 1, 1979


SUBJECT         :           Amending Revenue Regulations No. 1-80 which prescribe the rules requiring petroleum refining and marketing companies to change their method of inventory valuation.
TO                    :           All Internal Revenue Officers and Others Concerned


SECTION 1.      Scope. — These regulations, promulgated in accordance with Section 326 of the National Internal Revenue Code, implement the authority vested in the Commissioner of Internal Revenue by Section 36 of the same Code, as amended by Section 4 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 41, to require certain taxpayers to change or modify their inventory valuation method.
SECTION 2.      Requirement to Change Inventory Valuation Method from LIFO to Weighted Average Method. — Pursuant to the authority vested in the Commissioner of Internal Revenue by Section 36 of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended by Batas Pambansa Blg. 41, all petroleum refining and marketing companies are hereby required to change their inventory valuation method from last-in, first-out (LIFO) to weighted average method on a per product basis. The change shall be effected by a gradual shift to the weighted average method of inventory valuation in two stages as prescribed in Section 3 and 4 of these regulations.  
SECTION 3.      Phase 1: Valuation of Inventories as of December 31, 1979. — The inventory of refined or blended petroleum products, crude and other base stocks, (hereinafter referred to as "petroleum products") as of December 31,1979 shall be valued under the LIFO unless it exceeds 75% of the inventory as of January 1, 1979, in which case the inventory as of December 31, 1979 shall consist of and be valued in accordance with the following:  
(a)        75% of the inventory on January 1, 1979 shall be valued under the LIFO method; and,
(b)        the excess over 75% of the inventory as of January 1, 1979 shall be valued under the weighted average method. For this purpose, the inventory on January 1, 1979 shall be deemed as the first product acquired, manufactured or produced in applying the weighted average method during 1979.  
SECTION 4.      Phase 2: Valuation of Inventory as of December 31, 1980. — The inventory of "petroleum products" as of December 31, 1980 shall be valued under the LIFO method unless it exceeds 50% of the inventory as of January 1, 1979, in which case the inventory as of December 31, 1980 shall consist of and be valued in accordance with the following:
(a)        50% of the inventory on January 1, 1979 shall be valued under the LIFO method; and
(b)        the excess over the 50% of the inventory as of January 1, 1979 shall be valued under the weighted average method. For this purpose, the inventory on January 1, 1980 shall be deemed as the first product acquired, manufactured or produced in applying the weighted average method during 1980.  
SECTION 5.      Valuation of inventories after January 1, 1981. — January 1, 1981, the inventory of "petroleum products" shall be valued fully under the weighted average method. For this purpose, the inventory on January 1, 1981 shall be deemed as the first product acquired, manufactured or produced in applying the weighted average method during 1981.
SECTION 6.      Adoption of Full Absorption Method. — In order to conform as clearly as may be possible to the best accounting practices and to clearly reflect income, taxpayers engaged in oil refining and marketing industries must adhere to the full absorption method of inventory costing. Under the full absorption method of inventory costing, production cost must be allocated to goods produced during the taxable year, whether sold during the taxable year or inventory at the close of taxable year. Thus, the taxpayer must include as part of the cost of inventory all direct production cost and to a certain extent, indirect production cost.
Direct production costs include those costs which are incident to and necessary for production or manufacturing operations or processes and are components of the cost of either direct materials or direct labor. Direct material costs include the cost of those materials which become an integral part of the specific product and those materials which are consumed in the ordinary course of manufacturing and can be identified or associated with particular units or groups of units of that product. Direct labor cost includes the cost of labor which can be identified or associated with particular units or groups of units of a specific product. The elements of the direct labor cost include such items as basic compensation, over-time pay, vacation and holiday pay, sick leave pay, shift differential, payroll taxes, etc.
In general, the inclusion or exclusion of elements of indirect production cost as part of the cost of inventory depends upon the treatment adopted by taxpayers which, in all cases, must be applied consistently with generally accepted accounting principles.
Indirect production cost includes all costs which are incident to and necessary for production or manufacturing operations or processes.
The elements of indirect production cost included in the inventoriable cost are general and administrative expenses incident to and necessary for the taxpayer's production or manufacturing operations or processes, indirect labor and production supervisory wages, indirect materials and supplies, utilities such as heat, power and light, repairs and expenses, maintenance expenses, etc.
To be excluded under indirect production cost are marketing expenses, advertising expenses, selling expenses, interest, research and experimental expenses, including product development expenses; general and administrative expenses incident to and necessary for the taxpayer's activities as a whole rather than to production or manufacturing operations or processes; and salaries paid to officers attributable to the performances of services which are incident to and necessary for the taxpayer's activities taken as a whole rather than to production or manufacturing operations or processes.
SECTION 7.      Requirements for the Use of Weighted Average Method. — The following requirements shall be complied with in adopting the weighted average:
(a)        The weighted average method shall be applicable to all inventory of "petroleum products".
(b)        The inventory shall be taken at cost, using the full absorption method, regardless of market value.
(c)        The method shall be used consistently from year to year, unless —
(i)         A change to a different method is approved by the Commissioner; or  
(ii)         A modification is required by the Commissioner.
SECTION 8.      Repealing Clause. — This amends Revenue Regulations No. 1-80.
SECTION 9.      Effectivity — These regulations shall apply to taxable year beginning January 1, 1979.

Minister of Finance
Recommending Approval:

Acting Commissioner


Here is the form to be submitted by Payor or Withholding Agent to the BIR for the individual payee with no withholding tax or 5% with...